Focus And Scope

Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik accepts submission of scientific articles to be published in the form of research results, survey, and literature reviews in the field of engineering, including:

- Mechanical Engineering including expertise in energy conversion, construction machinery, manufacturing, and materials.
- Electrical Engineering including electrical power engineering expertise, telecommunication, and information engineering, control, and instrumentation.
- Chemical Engineering includes expertise in the field of new and renewable energy, environmental fields.
- Civil Engineering includes expertise in the field of structural, geotechnical, transportation, and hydro.
- Metallurgical Engineering includes expertise in the field of extraction, manufacturing, and materials characterization.
- Industrial Engineering includes systems of company management, ergonomic and work systems, and manufacturing systems.
Geomatics Engineering includes geodesy & surveying, cadastral, hydrograph, INSIG