Improvement of Quality of Precipitated Material using Ethanol in SCU-CP Method for Soil Stabilisation




calcite, soybean, precipitation, ethanol, soil stabilisation


The use of high soybean concentrations in the calcite precipitation method promoted increasing organic content. Organic content can be reduced by using ethanol in the range of 20%-30%, so the effect of different soybean and ethanol concentrations must be evaluated to obtain the best quality CaCO3 precipitated material. The evaluation was carried out using hydrolysis rate, CaCO3 precipitation, and quantification of CaCO3 mass and mineral forms formed. The use of 20% ethanol at a soybean concentration of 60 g/L showed the best results with a hydrolysis rate of 1547 U/g, and this value is quite close to the value of the hydrolysis rate of 2 g/L Kishidan commercial urease. In addition, the mass of CaCO3 formed was 2,97 g, with more calcite than vaterite and aragonite. The insoluble organic mass in the soybean solution with ethanol is less than the variation without ethanol. It is related to using supernatants, which reduce the amount of organic content. The decrease in organic content affects the reduction in CaCO3 precipitate. The shape of the precipitate formed in calcite crystals (rhombohedral) is the best form to bind the soil to increase soil strength.

Author Biographies

  • Resti Maulasih, IPB University

    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Hendra Prasetia Hendra Prasetia, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)

    Research Centre for Mining Technology


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How to Cite

Improvement of Quality of Precipitated Material using Ethanol in SCU-CP Method for Soil Stabilisation. (2025). Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu Dan Aplikasi Teknik, 23(2), 146-158.

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